Our presence abroad
Paris International Agricultural Show
Our collective work 'Quelles agricultures irriguées demain ? Répondre aux enjeux de sécurité alimentaire et du développement durable' (Which types of agriculture will be irrigated tomorrow? Meeting the challenges of food security and sustainable development) was published in March 2020 by Editions QUAE.
It was presented to Bertrand Walckenaer, Deputy Director-General of AFD, at AFEID's stand at the 2020 edition of the Paris International Agricultural Show.2022
World Water Forum - Dakar
We plan to hold a stand at the next World Water Forum, initially planned for 2021, in association with the network of West African Irrigation Development and Management Agencies (WAIDMA). This will be an opportunity to present our activities, our publications and to make ourselves better known to water stakeholders.
Paris International Agricultural Show
Le contenu de la Période va ici
CIID - Marrakech
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