Territorial approaches
Our main publications
Click on the images to download the Policy Brief, available in French and English, as well as the action poster.
Why develop territorial approaches?
The development of water management infrastructures in irrigated territories needs to be combined with a territorial vision of the different issues. This should particularly take account of the different uses of the resources and the type of agricultural and economic development of the territory. The concept of sustainability is increasingly coming into play. It is important to design and implement new, more territorial and participatory approaches, involving users and the various levels of responsibility.
What do we do?
We set up a working group which produced a policy brief based on the experience of participants in different countries (Brazil, Maghreb, West Africa). A research group was also set up to produce a thematic article in the scientific journal, Cahiers Agricultures, and a policy paper, which are in the process of being finalised.
We took part in a workshop on the 'Resilience and sustainability of semi-arid rural territories' in Fortaleza, Brazil, in November 2019. You can find the programme and reports of the workshop here: